Renderer Process

Since Electron uses Chromium for displaying web pages, Chromium’s multi-process architecture is also used. Each web page in Electron runs in its own process, which is called the renderer process.

In normal browsers, web pages usually run in a sandboxed environment and are not allowed access to native resources. Electron users, however, have the power to use Node.js APIs in web pages allowing lower level operating system interactions.

From the Electron Documentation

On the subject of vue and vuex

vue components

If you are unfamiliar with Vue components, please give this a read. Using components gives our large complex applications more organization. Each component has the ability to encapsulate its own CSS, template, and JavaScript functionality.

Components are stored in src/renderer/components. When creating child components, a common organization practice is to place them inside a new folder with the name of its parent component. This is especially useful when coordinating different routes.

├─ ParentComponentA
│  ├─ ChildComponentA.vue
│  └─ ChildComponentB.vue
└─ ParentComponentA.vue

vue routes

For more information about vue-router click here. In short, it is encouraged to use vue-router as creating a Single Page Application is much more practical when making Electron applications. Do you really want to manage a bunch of BrowserWindows and then communicating information between everything? Probably not.

Routes are held in src/renderer/router/index.js and defined like so...

  path: '<routePath>',
  name: '<routeName>',
  component: require('@/components/<routeName>View')

...where both <routePath> and <routeName> are variables. These routes are then attached to the component tree using the <router-view> directive in src/renderer/App.vue.


When using vue-router, do not use HTML5 History Mode. This mode is strictly meant for serving files over the http protocol and does not work properly with the file protocol that Electron serves files with in production builds. The default hash mode is just what we need.

vuex modules

Describing vuex is not the easiest thing to do, so please read this for a better understanding of what problem it tries to solve and how it works.

electron-vue takes advantage of vuex's module structure to create multiple data stores, which are saved in src/renderer/store/modules.

Having multiple data stores can be great for organization, but it can also be annoying to have to import each and every one. But don't fret, as src/renderer/store/modules/index.js does the dirty work for us! This little script lets src/renderer/store/index.js import all of our modules in a one-shot manner. If all that didn't make sense, just know you can easily duplicate the given Counter.js module and it will be loaded in "magically".

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